Collection of videos, tutorials and content to share the most crucial things about transforming school estates and the built environment to reduce energy and heating consumption. Preparing pupils for the Net Zero Transition.

    1. lesson 1: Overview

    2. Lesson 2: Learning Objectives

    3. Lesson 3: Pycom Pygate Setup

    4. 3.1: Update the firmware on the Pycome Pygate and WiPy combination

    5. 3.2: Register the gateway with The Things Network (TTN)

    6. 3.3: Using Atom to install the Pygate software on the Pycom WiFi microcontroller

    7. 3.4: Editing the and global_conf.json files

    8. 3.5: Seeing live data on The Things Network

About this teacher training

  • 8 Lessons
  • 1 Hour Video Content

Preparing your pupils for the Green Skills and Net Zero Transition