What is in the Get Media Savvy For Kids - Scheme of Work

    1. Master Class - How to Write a Killer Press Release

    2. Master Class - How to Write a Killer Press Release - Downloadable

    3. Lesson 1 - How to Tell Your Story

    4. Lesson 1 - How to Tell Your Story - Download

    5. Lesson 2 - Prepare for the Press

    6. Lesson 2 - Prepare for the Press - Download

    7. Lesson 3 - Reach Out and Respond to the Media

    8. Lesson 3 - Reach Out and Respond to the Media - Downloadable

    9. Lesson 4 - Create your PR Plan of Attack

    10. Case Study 1 - Evidence of the power of being Media Savvy!

    11. Case Study 2 - Hannnah-Jane shows us what she did, using her Get Media Savvy Skills, to get an initiative featured in the press.

    12. Case Study 3

    13. Case Study 4

    14. Case Study 5 - The Mbawa Sisters!

    15. Lesson 4 - Create your PR Plan of Attack - Download

About This Course

  • 300
  • 10 Lessons
  • 1 Hour of Video Content

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