The Energy Games


    1. The Energy Games: An Introduction to Carbonfutureism and the Role Net Zero Transitioneers® Will Play

    2. Global primary energy: how has the mix changed over centuries?

    3. Energy mix: what sources do we get our energy from?

    4. How much of global energy comes from low-carbon sources?

    5. Which countries get the most energy from low-carbon sources?

    6. Is the world making progress in decarbonizing energy?

    7. Energy consumption by source

    8. Year-to-year change: how is energy consumption by source changing?

    9. Direct vs. substituted primary energy: what are the multiple ways of energy accounting?

    10. The Largest Oil and Gas Companies in the World

    11. Global hydropower potential: 33% of total energy requirement

    12. Endnotes

    13. Net Zero Transitioneering® and Net Zero Transitioneers® Teachers with Susan Krumdieck

    14. The Energy Games: An introduction to Carbonfutureism Quiz

An Introduction to Carbonfutureism and Net Zero Transitioneering®

An Introduction To The Energy Games and Carbonfutureism